• Are these art pieces printed?

    No, the images or designs are not printed on the woven canvas; they are threads that are woven on the loom, creating the designs.

  • Do you weave these by hand?

    No, they are weave on a loom.

  • Are these pieces painted?

    No, I do not paint the fabric after is weaved, the designs are created by the threads.

  • Do you ship to the mainland?

    Yes! the standard medium 38’ x 54’ size can be shipped for an extra cost of $250.

    For my biggest size 54’ x 72’ shipping cost would vary from each state, so please contact me at valentina@vidaloha.com

  • Can you make different sizes?

    Yes! I can create custom sizes, but the smallest size I can do without compromising design is 44’ x 29’.