
Valentina incorporates a creative technique of a symbiotic relationship between an ambiguous, distant space yet familiar. The Chilean native is rooted deeply in the culture she was born into and the one she immersed in by choice, the Hawaiian culture.

Name Meaning

vi·da: Property or essential quality of animals and plants, for which they evolve, adapt to the medium, develop and reproduce.

a·lo·ha: "the presence of breath" or "the breath of life." It comes from "Alo," meaning presence, front and face, and "ha," meaning breath. Aloha is a way of living and treating each other with love and respect. Aloha was a way of reaching self-perfection and realization for our own body and soul. Its deep meaning starts by teaching ourselves to love our own beings first and afterwards to spread the love to others.

Vidaloha its a dream project I have been conceptualizing for a long time.

With the hunger to express through art, I finally brought this project to life by bringing new concepts of art, culture and simplicity, into every art piece.

“Art should not be inaccessible. I believe art is a tool you can use to create beautiful welcoming spaces where you can feel happy and inspired.” 
